About Me

About Me
dancing in my platform sneakers 💃🏽
Last updated: January 2024
i'm definitely not the influencer type

Hi, I'm Jemellee 👋🏽

I'm sharing my experience in starting life over in a brand new city in my mid-30s.

It's scary to restart your life after having a rough year, but I'm here to inform you that you're not alone. After a year of crying, reflecting in my journal, discovering I have trauma, and learning to set my boundaries, I've become a much better person than I was 2 years ago.

Blogging is one of my all-time passions

In the past, I’ve shared my life through MySpace, Xanga, GeoCities, Tumblr, Medium, and Twitter. And now it’s finally time to give my thoughts a proper home, right here at jemellee.com.

I discovered I have inattentive ADHD during the pandemic and things started to click once I realized that it's common for us to have multiple interests or hobbies. And then get easily bored after going all out.

With that said, this is why I can't stick to one topic. Because I want to talk about ✨ EVERYTHING ✨

(Thank god for categories and tags)

So if you enjoy reading about travel, budgeting, self-love, ADHD, or just enjoy reading my rants, then you've come to the right place.

And if you made it this far down here, then I just want to tell you that you're an amazing person and you'll be ok.

See you around 💖
