Dear Future Partner Dear Future Partner: Attraction The last time I ever felt an overbearing love and attraction from a partner, it came from someone who I don’t think ever loved me.
ADHD Featured Discovering I have ADHD I downloaded TikTok, and unknowingly, I was getting a brand new type of dopamine that my undiagnosed ADHD was indulging.
Personal Featured My 2023 personal goals I do tend to overwhelm myself with ambitious goals, I think this year I’m going to set smaller goals with realistic deadlines.
Dear Future Partner Dear Future Partner: Flowers And as someone who had crazy allergies growing up, I never got to appreciate or enjoy flowers nor ever received them. I would tell my past boyfriends not to give me any because I didn’t want to risk getting into a hay fever.
Personal Learning to love my insecurities I’m finally in a place where I’m acknowledging these negative thoughts or recognizing when I’m feeling triggered then practicing to calm myself down.
Personal I'm ready for my next chapter This next chapter of my life will definitely be life-changing for me since it’ll be the first time that I’ll be on my own.
Personal Featured I'm leaving NYC and moving to Chicago I truly saw myself living in this city for some reason, and something felt just right when I was there.
Personal Featured 2023: The year of being vulnerable I knew that I was good at writing about are the thoughts and feelings that I was experiencing in the intense moments of my life. Blogging felt so natural to me.
Filipino I got a tutor to FINALLY speak conversational Tagalog But whenever I come across with a post on social in Tagalog, things are starting to click in my head because I understood the conjugated verbs and connectors 🥳
Personal Vlogging is freakin HARD I miss when I could record my day, edit it together, and upload it for others who might want to watch it.
Personal I want this to be the official “memoir” of my life welcome to - the official blog/website/newsletter whatever it may be. Here is where I’ll be documenting everything about my life.
Personal Jemellee 3.0 I recently discovered as a platform and I am definitely liking this a lot better than WordPress and SquareSpace, and it gives me that Medium feel which I really enjoyed