Save money in a fun way. Do money challenges!
Money challenges helps save you money when you make it fun!Disclaimer: Some of the links below may be affiliate links which I will earn a small commission if you click and purchase from them.
Saving money is really hard especially if you don’t have the discipline or developed a good habit of it.
I’ve attempted money challenges before in the past. I tried to do the 100 envelope challenge. I tried to do the 52 week challenge. I tried so many and I have never completed them.
However, Tori Dunlap (HerFirst100k) shared this fun Christmas challenge this past Holiday season and I immediately had to join.
The challenge: Every time you hear “All I Want For Christmas” by Mariah Carey, you need to transfer x amount of money to your savings account.
As Barney Stinson would said “Challenge accepted!”
Since it is one of the most popular Christmas songs during the holiday season, I knew that I would hear it often everywhere, so I decided to only transfer $5 each time I would hear the song.
I even dedicated a whole Ally bucket to see my progress.

Between Black Friday to Christmas, here’s when and where I transferred of my $5 during this challenge:
- Heard it on a Christmas Spotify playlist
- Out on the streets of NYC
- At the restaurant for a family dinner
- On the radio
- While I was scrolling on Instagram or TikTok
By the time Christmas rolled around, I saved $75.
I heard that godforsaken song 15 TIMES.

I honestly thought that I would hear the song a lot more during the holiday season, but I’m so glad that I chose to only transfer $5 instead of $10 or $20 because I wouldn’t even have any money to spend for myself when I was in NYC 🤣

Money challenges helps save you money when you make it fun!
I actually started my own personal challenge by transferring money when I find myself doomscrolling instead of being productive for the month of February.
Now I didn’t set a dollar amount, but did my own accountability by transferring over what I thought was fair.
Sometimes I caught myself doomscrolling for hours, so I would transfer over $20 which seemed enough to make up for the lost time.
The end result: I saved $120 in February. Definitely a lot more than I did over the holidays.

Because I did these challenges, I realize that having a smaller time frame or holding myself accountable when the moment occurs works best for me.
Almost like a swear jar or a douche jar.
@primevideoaunz Let’s all take a moment to appreciate Schmidt and his douchebag jar 👏🏼 #NewGirl #AmazonPrimeVideo ♬ original sound - Prime Video AU & NZ
Overall, money challenges can be a really fun way to save money and make sure to stick with it too! Now should I continue to hold myself accountable whenever I doomscroll or should I create something else? 🤔
If you’re doing your own money challenge, let me know in the comments below!
If you're looking to open a new bank account, I highly recommend Ally and they currently have a 3.70% interest rate (as of March 2025) for their savings account.
You can only get this bonus with my link, so open an Ally account soon as this offer ends on 12/31/2025!